Major Barbara

4 Channel Video, 8 min, 2017

Direction: Rebecca Holderness

Video Creation & Edit: Kym McDaniel

Performance: Theater Department at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Funded by the Department of Theatre at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, I created projections using found and current footage of American women's marches, protests, and suffrage events throughout 19th, 20th, and 21st century.  Found and current footage collage into one another, bending and distorting time. American society and the treatment of women in the past and present becomes one disturbing timeline. Projections were displayed on 4 walls above the boxing style theatrical set, furthering themes of conflict and power. A single channel projection of combined projections was on loop in theatre lobby.


University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of Theatre

December 6 - 10 2017

Arts Center Gallery

Milwaukee WI